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  • Thu. Jun 13th, 2024

Month: May 2024

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  • Tellurium dioxide dissolution: a solution for the future environment! electronics and semiconductor

Tellurium dioxide dissolution: a solution for the future environment! electronics and semiconductor

According to relevant records, greenhouse gas emissions remain to increase, triggering climate adjustment and environmental air pollution. In this situation, carbon discharges are significantly reduced to prevent warming and air…

Unleashing the Potential of Energy-Saving Nano CTO (Cesium Tungsten Oxide): A Revolutionary Leap in Sustainability iron powder

In the pursuit for sustainable solutions that reduce power intake without compromising performance, nano CTO (cesium tungsten oxide) has emerged as a game-changer. This ingenious material, with its unique blend…

Ultra-fine grinding of silica can be achieved by silica wet grinder kegunaan silica gel

Silica is a not natural substance and among one of the most vital compounds of silicon. It exists in nature in crystalline kinds (such as quartz, cristobalite, chalcedony, agate, opal,…

Metal powder preparation process inventory-atomization method ti 6al 4v

Vacuum cleaner air atomization (VIGA) Vacuum cleaner air atomization refers to the smelting of steel or steel alloys under vacuum conditions. Under gas protection conditions, the steel fluid spurts (downward)…